Invisalign is one of the most popular and effective ways to achieve a straighter smile. As the most trusted brand of clear aligners, it's backed by decades of science and offers the latest in orthodontic technology to guide your teeth into their optimal position.
Invisalign aligners are specially designed to fit your teeth perfectly, making them super comfortable and virtually invisible .
But sometimes, our patients in the Canary Islands ask us: "Why doesn't my Invisalign fit at all?" If this happens to you, usually it's nothing to worry about, but it may be a sign that your treatment is not quite right.
Therefore, below, we will explain why your aligners may not fit correctly and what you can do to solve the problems.
How should Invisalign be adjusted?
If this is your first time using Invisalign, it can take a bit of time to get used to the feel of the aligners, but from the start they should fit your teeth perfectly.
That being said, you may notice some small gaps around your teeth when you start a new set of aligners. This is because each set is purpose-built for each stage of treatment and is designed to achieve specific tooth movement.
As your teeth move into the correct position, they will fill in those spaces . When they are ready to switch to the next set of aligners, there should no longer be any visible gaps.

Why doesn't my Invisalign fit correctly?
As we've mentioned, Invisalign aligners may not feel perfectly snug at first. will become more comfortable as treatment progresses.
But in some cases, the poor fit of Invisalign aligners can be a cause for concern. Some reasons why Invisalign does not fit your mouth correctly are the following:
You are wearing a new set of aligners
New aligners represent the end point of that stage of treatment, so your teeth they haven't reached those moves yet. You just need to massage the aligners a little to get a smoother fit and they will start to fit better as your teeth settle into place.
You don't wear your aligners for 22 hours a day
Remember when you started with Invisalign and your dentist told you to wear your aligners at least 22 hours a day? Well, I was serious! If you don't follow your Invisalign dentist's instructions, you risk delaying the treatment time because the aligners will not fit properly.
Your aligners are damaged
Invisalign aligners are durable, but can be damaged if not cared for properly. Washing them in hot water or drinking hot beverages while wearing the aligners can warp the plastic, which will affect their fit.
So make sure you take your aligners off even to drink, and wash only with warm water, so they last as long as you need them.

What to do if Invisalign doesn't quite fit
If your Invisalign aligners don't fit properly, you need to take action. Fortunately, there are some easy and effective solutions to correct the fit of your aligners and get your smile back on track.
Start by using the Invisalign "gums" to seat your aligners correctly
It is very normal for a new set of Invisalign aligners to feel very tight. In some cases, it can even feel like they don't fit over your teeth. If you just switched to a new set of aligners and they don't fit your teeth, you can use Invisalign "gum" to seat them correctly.
These "chewing gums" are given to you by your dentist. They are shaped like a cotton roll and made of a soft, chewy material. You can chew them when you put your Invisalign aligners in your mouth, usually for about 3-5 minutes.
When you bite into a chew, the aligners sit on your teeth, even if they are very tight. This ensures that they are in the correct position. After using the 'gum' for a certain time, you should not see any gap between your aligners and your teeth.
Wear your aligners for 22 hours a day
If you don't wear your aligners for the recommended 22 hours a day, your treatment will start to be delayed. You won't give each set of aligners enough time to move your teeth, so you'll find that new sets of aligners don't fit properly.
To get the most out of your Invisalign treatment, take off your aligners only to eat, drink, brush your teeth and floss. Otherwise, keep them on!
Consult with your dentist about the possibility of going back to your previous set of aligners
If your teeth don't fit into your new set of Invisalign aligners, you can call your dentist and ask about going back to your old set of aligners. Wearing a previous set of aligners for another week or two it can make your teeth be placed in the proper position and allow you to get your treatment back on track.
However, you should not do this without consulting your dentist first.
See your dentist for a treatment review
If the use of 'gum', the correct use of aligners or even going back to a previous set of aligners does not work, you may need to see your dentist to review your Invisalign treatment plan and get new aligners.
It's always possible that your treatment plan isn't going perfectly or your teeth are simply moving more slowly than anticipated. Your dentist can assess the position of your teeth, issue new aligners and get your treatment back on track.
Aligners don't fit? Don't worry
If your Invisalign doesn't fit right, don't worry! There are a few simple steps you can take to get your treatment back on track, as shown above.
If you need help with your aligners, or are interested in Invisalign treatment, at ICA Clinic in the Canary Islands We are here to help you. Contact us to schedule an appointment and see if Invisalign treatment is right for you.
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