Fantastic days of specialized training from our Doctor Sonia Dìaz in High Definition Liposculpture. This time at the De Benito Institute in Barcelona with the prestigious Doctors, Dr. Saad pioneer in 4D Liposculpture with Microaire and Dr Javier de Benito.
operating4dIn this training forum made up of prestigious Doctors and Surgeons specialized in Cosmetic Surgery, progress was made in the specialization and improvement of liposuction techniques that brings as a novelty, a painless, more precise, safer intervention and with the possibility of redistributing fat in necessary areas using the patient's own cells. Innovative techniques that have revolutionized the field of liposuction, achieving rapid recovery and immediate effects.
In this training forum we had the great opportunity to exchange doubts and experiences. At the Advanced Surgery Institute we are always committed to better practical knowledge.