The acne can cause more than just a temporary stain on the skin. Many people have significant acne scars that last for years, even decades, after the pimples have disappeared.
Deep acne pustules are often what causes the scarring. When the skin is damaged, scar tissue forms, and can permanently change the appearance of the skin.
Severe acne can result in skin blemishes and discolorations that can affect your confidence and appearance. Topical creams and home treatments they can't do much to improve acne scars.
The good news is that At Clinica ICA we offer acne scar treatments that help to considerably improve the appearance of the skin of the face. These state-of-the-art procedures can remove or lighten these scars, making them less obvious and helping you regain your confidence. Read on to meet them.

Treatments to remove acne scars
Dermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure that uses a metal device to remove the top layer of skin. It is often used to treat skin conditions like acne scars.
dermabrasion is different from laser treatment, since it uses the laser to heat and destroy the bacteria that cause acne. Dermabrasion removes the top layer of skin with a rotating or oscillating wire brush attached to a motorized handpiece. The rotating wire brush can be used dry or with a saline solution to help remove scars.
This laser treatment for acne scars usually lasts an hour and uses a local anesthetic so that patients do not experience any discomfort. After a couple of days, when the skin is healed, patients typically see a smoother texture and fewer breakouts as a result of dermabrasion. Newly exposed skin is smoother and more even in tone.
chemical scrubs
chemical peels they are extremely effective when it comes to treating acne scars. Basically, they remove the upper layer of the skin, which helps improve the texture of the skin and stimulate cell renewal. In addition, it focuses on hyperpigmentation of the skin, which is useful because acne scars tend to darken the skin slightly.
chemical peels are available in different degrees of intensity, ranging from light to medium and deep.
Light or superficial peels treat the outermost layers of the skin and are usually associated with minimal redness and scaling. The best results are obtained with a cycle of at least four treatments.
Medium depth peels treat the deeper layers, and slight peeling and redness may occur.
And, the deep peel is an intensive treatment designed to reach the deepest layers of the skin and address specific problems. In this case, redness and peeling are to be expected.
laser scar removal
laser treatment is one of the most effective options, without drugs, without waiting and without side effects to clear acne, regardless of the severity of acne and your skin type.
Laser treatment for acne and acne scars uses a unique laser technology that gently delivers powerful energy for fast results and minimal downtime.
laser energy destroys acne bacteria and reduces inflammation to control current breakouts, while decreasing sebum and oil production to reduce the likelihood of future breakouts. In addition, it helps generate new collagen, which reduces acne scars.
laser treatment can be used on all skin types, which makes it an ideal choice for many people. However, it is important to discuss your medical history, concerns, and other relevant information with our professionals to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure.
microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is an increasingly popular treatment for treating acne scars. A device similar to a pen is used, which contains several tiny needles. This device is passed over the skin, and in the process, the needles create micro-punctures on the surface of the skin.
This may seem painful, but our doctors they always apply a local anesthetic on the skin area being treated, which means you won't feel discomfort.
The micropunctures created by the device make your skin produce more collagen and elastin, as these help the skin to heal. Both collagen and elastin are important structural proteins in the skin, giving it its smoothness, firmness, and tightness.
Thanks to the additional collagen and elastin that the skin produces after microneedling, the entire complexion takes on a smoother, more youthful appearance, and no acne scars.
this treatment does not require much downtime, but your skin will be a bit vulnerable after each session. For this reason, a strong sunscreen is essential, as your skin will be especially susceptible to sun damage. You should also avoid harsh chemicals or other skincare ingredients for a couple of weeks.

What is the best treatment for me?
Each patient is unique, so not all treatments are for everyone. To determine your suitability, the best you can do is to book a consultation at ICA Clinic in the Canary Islands so that one of our doctors can evaluate your skin, the severity of the problem and your aesthetic goals. We will also be able to tell you if the laser for acne scars is suitable for your skin.
Our staff is highly trained and certified, so we offer a wide range of advanced cosmetic treatments performed with the latest protocols to achieve superior results. We are dedicated to helping you resolve your acne and eliminate the scars it leaves on your skin.
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